When we use credit cards we’re essentially taking out a tiny loan in order to pay for something that presumably we couldn’t normally pay for otherwise. This is serious business then technically and for many people in a lot of debt the credit card Is synonymous with stress and financial difficulty.
However that said, just because we’re serious about finance, that doesn’t necessarily have to mean that our credit cards should be dull and boring. When you carry your credit card around with you 24/7 and use it so often, why not make it a little more creative and interesting? And with so many different types of cards out there, why not seek out some different kinds of rewards and perks? Here we will look at the Top 10 credit cards that should stand out from the crowd…
10 JCB & Ping An Bank Toy Themed Credit Cards
These unique cards come brightly coloured and feature what appears to be a Lego bear against vibrant backgrounds. Making them even more unique is the fact that they’re portrait rather than horizontal altering the way you interact with your card.
9 Discover Biodegradable Card
The Discover Biodegradable Card is a great bit of thinking and provides a card that carries a green message, and that will be easy to dispose of when you’re done without snipping it into lots of tiny bits with scissors. Potentially susceptible to wet weather, though I can’t say for sure having never handled one…
8 EPOS Cassette Visa
This is a visa card that looks at a glance like a cassette tape. It’s a wonderful bit of design that takes full advantage of the size and shape of the debit card.
7 Transformers Visa
I’m not certain who makes this one, but the awesome Transformers Visa card features a black and red image of Optimus Prime and Megatron and has a striking design. Brilliant for the closet nerd or for a dash of nostalgia.
6 OnePulse Card
OnePulse is a debit card from Barclays designed for Londoners which is highly multi-functional and the first of our Top 10 credit cards to offer more than a funky design. Not only is this a regular Barclay Card, but it also allows for cashless payments using OneTouch (where you swipe over a sensor rather than scanning and entering a PIN for payments under £10) and can be topped up through a ‘built in’ Oyster card.
5 Monetary Credit Card Design
The monetary credit card design can be downloaded from the web, and will turn your debit card into a 100 dollar note, which is great for those of us who miss the feeling of handing over actual cash…
4 Epos Chocolate Visa
Epos seem pretty good at creating unique designs, and this chocolate bar look is another that will make you double take. Perhaps dieters should look at one of our other top 10 credit cards?
3 Citibank Credit Card
Citibank Credit Card gives you reward points in a similar way to a Tesco Club Card – as do several other credit cards. However it’s one of the rewards we’re interested in here – specifically the option to go to an Adult ‘Band Camp’, or specifically a Rock Band Camp. That’s pretty awesome…
2 Wells Fargo Credit Card
Another credit card that offers you reward points is from Wells Fargo. Their reward points are even more awesome however allowing you to experience weightless flight, or even to fly a fighter jet in simulated combat. How could a card that allows you to fly near space or pretend to be in Top Gun not be one of the Top 10 credit cards? It’s almost worth blowing your life savings…
1 Personalized Debit Cards
Barclays are one of several banks now providing personalized debit cards, and this is a fantastic way to really create any style or design you like the idea of. This way you needn’t seek out a Transformers card, because you can just choose your favorite image of Optimus & co, or better yet why not have a sentimental picture on the front? This will allow for many more top ten credit cards in future as people go crazy with their unique designs. Watch this space!
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