There’s nothing better than laughing at a funny film. It’s the ultimate therapy for a range of problems whether you’re feeling sad, stressed or even scared (next time you get the creeps try putting on one of these top ten comedy movies and feel your mood lift). Here we will look at the top ten comedy movies that can get you smiling whatever mood you’re in.
10 Hot Fuzz
Starting our list of the top 10 comedy movies all time is this British parody of all action films. If you’ve ever watched and enjoyed a ‘buddy cop movie’ then this film is the perfect homage to those and a good film in its own right. It also has a huge number of cameos from other British comedians from Bill Bailey to Steve Coogan. Shawn of the Dead is better known, but critics will tell you Hot Fuzz is the real classic.
9 South Park the Movie
A rather x-rated entry to our list of top 10 comedy movies. This one aptly demonstrates that the ludicrous and controversial humour of the cartoon translates perfectly to the big screen.
8 Blades of Glory
Blades of Glory is a surprise entry to some perhaps, but it is definitely one of the top 10 comedy movies and probably Will Ferrell’s second best movie. The part where he starts throwing up in his mask while performing for children is enough to bring anyone with a pulse to tears.
7 Wedding Crashers
Wedding Crashers was a huge hit when it came out and still stands as one of the top 10 comedy movies. What’s really clever about it is how it offers a chick flick about weddings for women and a buddy movie with nudity in it for men.
6 Austin Powers
Austin Powers is a completely legendary film with some of the best gags in cinema history and some of the best characters such as Doctor Evil and his teenage son. An homage to Bond, and the 60s and with hundreds of quotable lines.
5 Shrek
Any number of animated movies could have made the top 10 comedy movies of all time, but Shrek takes this high spot for being perhaps the funniest. At the same time it’s the one that adults can enjoy just as much as their children.
4 American Pie
American Pie is a classic film and one of the top 10 comedy movies of all time. At the same time it’s also a legendary film that captured an era for a whole generation who grew up with them. A shame that the subsequent recent spin-offs were such sacrilege.
3 The Hangover
The Hangover is a modern classic and perhaps the best comedy of the last couple of years. Essentially it creates the ultimate guys’ night out which even involve Mike Tyson and a Tiger.
2 Some Like it Hot
Some Like it Hot is the oldest film on this list of top 10 comedy movies of all time. Many other ‘classics’ could potentially have made the list (honorable mention must go to the Inspector Clouseau series), but this is one that perhaps holds up the best and is still just as funny today.
1 Anchorman
Anchorman has a cult following and rightly so. It’s completely bizarre but it has some of the best characters and scenes of any film. It’s incredibly watchable and the gags never get old, which is why it wins this list of the top 10 comedy movies of all time. Ron Burgundy is an inspiration to millions.
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Hot Fuzz was a great movie. I just loved the two guys in it. I can see why it made the top ten, but I would have moved it down further. Maybe put it closer to number one.
Hehe, anchorman is great. It really is my number one in top 10 comedy movies. And thanks for the post, by the way. I am really moody right now and maybe some comedy movies will cheer me up. Probably I’ll see the entire top 10 comedy movies.
Anchorman is too my number 1 from these top 10 comedy movies. I had a lot of fun watching it. It is indeed really great. And I too have to thank you for this list of top 10 comedy movies. Now I know what comedies to watch.
Hmm, I am a huge fan of Southpark. It would have made it for the first 5 positions, in my opinion. Another film in this top 10 comedy movies I like a lot is “Some Like it Hot”. I haven’t seen Anchorman but I would give it a try. I hope it rocks.
Hot Fuzz was a great movie. I loved Simon Pegg. He is just so funny. Glad it made the top ten list but I do agree that it should be closer to number one.
Thanks for the list of top 10 comedy movies. I just broke up with my gf and I’m in a terrible mood. Hope some of these are able to help me. And I guess top 10 comedy movies are great for other people aswell. Enjoy!
Not really into Will Ferrel and I see some of his movies made it into the top ten. I just do not feel that he is too funny. At least Elf did not make it into this list. I hated that movie.
Anyway, take out the Will movies and add a few other funny ones and you have yourself quite the list of top 10 comedies.
I laughed so hard at “the hangover”. That movie is very hilarious. Austin Powers is also funny. This post about top 10 comedy movies remembered me of the times when I was watching 1 comedy movie per day. For 6 months. Top that.
‘The hangover’ is one of the greatest top 10 comedy movies. It is much funnier than ‘Austin Powers’. I don’t really like this movie. It is one of the worst from this list of top 10 comedy movies.
PS: I guess you saw a lot of comedy movies in those six months. ^_^
I do not see why hot fuzz is part of top 10 comedy movies. I didn’t find it funny at all. Southpark, hangover, american pie, for instance, are worth their position in top 10 comedy movies. But hot fuzz shouldn’t have been part of it. Or is it just me?
‘Hot fuzz’ isn’t funny at all. I agree with Jake. It shouldn’t be among these top 10 comedy movies. I didn’t laugh at all because all those jokes were bad jokes. It is probably the worst from this list of top 10 comedy movies.
American pie is my all-time favorite. I’m not the only one who considers it one of the best in top 10 comedy movies. Haven’t seen Anchorman, but I’m not sure if I can still find the DVD in stores. Anyway, I guess I will have a comedy marathon, so thanks for this post on top 10 comedy movies. It is very useful.
‘American Pie’ sucks. All those awful jokes… bleah. It is in my opinion one of the worst top 10 comedy movies. If you liked ‘American pie’ so much, ‘Anchorman’ would be like a god movie for you than. These 2 top 10 comedy movies are so different.
I’m waiting for a similar top with horror movies. I don’t have an opinion on top 10 comedy movies, as I am not a fan. But I’d like to see a post regarding horrors, similar to this one. If you can do that, it would be great. Thank you very much!
I would surely like a list with horror movies. As Fahrenheit says, I’m not either a big fan of top 10 comedy movies. I like more the horror ones. I like to feel that fear while I’m watching movies. Top 10 comedy movies are just for listening some jokes.
Just saw wedding crashers on tv. Now I was really looking for top 10 comedy movies on google. Glad I came across this. I’ll try and see some of the movies mentioned here. Thank you for top 10 comedy movies!
Loved Loved Loved Owen Wilson in Wedding Crashers. That is a very funny movie so I can see why it made the top ten. I would have moved it further down though. It was a funny movie that deserves to be recognized.
Shrek is one bad movie. I don’t like it at all. And there are a few other movies that I haven’t seen yet.
Everyone should make a list with top 10 comedy movies. Just for fun. For us being happier!
Will Ferrel is great. I am so glad to see Blades of Glory make this list. Awesome movie. Very funny for sure. I have seen it many times and it is always super funny to me.
‘Blades of glory’ is indeed one of the best top 10 comedy movies. I’ve seen it for a few times too. Like you said it was always super funny to me. I would surely like to watch it again. I’m sure I would still find it funny.
Love the Austin Powers movies. I have seen all of them. Very glad that it made the list. If you have not seen them yet I urge you to do it. You will laugh and you will love minime.
From this list of top 10 comedy movies South Park I like most. This movie is great. I like the jokes, I like the characters. Kenny is definitely my favorite character, he is hilarious.
It should definitely be on the first place in top 10 comedy movies.
‘Wedding crashers’ is one of the best top 10 comedy movies. I laughed a lot. That blond actor is fabulous. It is hilarious and very funny. First place in top 10 comedy movies for it.
I too think ‘Wedding crashers’ is one of the best top 10 comedy movies. I saw it 4 times. And I still want to watch it. Every time I see it I laugh. It is definitely the number one in this top 10 comedy movies list.
‘South Park’ is my favorite top 10 comedy movies. I started with the series. After that I thought to see the movie too. It was great. It is different from the other top 10 comedy movies’ cause not everybody understands their jokes. Maybe that’s why I liked it so much.
American pie is one of the top 10 comedy movies I hate. I didn’t like it at all. I don’t even consider it one of the top 10 comedy movies. I didn’t laugh at all. Watching it was a waste of time.
Shrek is one of my favorite top 10 comedy movies. I like that donkey. What is its name? Anyway, it should be on the first place among these top 10 comedy movies. It was indeed fun watching it.
South park and American pie are the only top 10 comedy movies I’ve seen. The South park movie was interesting and fun to watch. The serial was great too. But the American pie was terrible. I didn’t like it at all. I don’t know why you put it among these top 10 comedy movies
The hangover was great. I really liked watching it. It should be the number one in this top 10 comedy movies list. I had a lot of fun. The jokes are very funny, not old or stupid. This movie is indeed one of the top 10 comedy movies.
I haven’t seen Anchorman. Is it that good that you put it in the first place among these top 10 comedy movies? Then I should watch it. I’m very curious if it deserve its first place in this top 10 comedy movies list. I hope I don’t lose time watching it.