We’ve seen the top ten sexiest women, so it would be a little biased not to have something here for the ladies too. Just as there is some agreement on who the hottest babes on the screen are, there’s also a lot of agreement as to who the manliest studs are. Here then we will look at the top ten sexiest men based on countless-count downs around the net.
10 Henry Cavill
Not long ago no one had heard of Henry Cavill, but now he is starting to find his way onto many lists of the top ten sexiest men. His breakthrough role was in the Tudors, but his stardom and sex appeal look set to reach fever pitch as he prepares to play the lead role in 2013’s Superman.
9 Tom Cruise
He may not quite have it any more, but in his hey-day Tom Cruise could have topped many of the top ten sexiest men. He’s got a chiseled jaw and very boy-ish looks and these all help to ensure that he is one of the stereotypically good looking men.
8 David Tennant
David Tennant, like Johnny Depp and Downey Jr, had the good fortune to be cast as a highly attractive character who was swooned after by many women. It was David Tennant who really brought the sex appeal to Doctor Who however, and his intense charm and scholarly looks means he’s still highly fancied as one of the top ten sexiest men even now that Matt Smith has taken the helm.
7 Orlando Bloom
Acting opposite Johnny Depp is no mean feat, but Orlando Bloom’s sturdy jaw and boyish good looks made him up to the task and meant that female fans of the original Pirates of the Caribbean were split down the middle. He also provided some eye candy for the Lord of the Rings trilogy where he was perfectly suited to play one of the beautiful elves.
6 Eric Bana
Eric Bana looks almost like an amalgamation of the worlds 10 ten sexiest men – part Patrick Swayze, part Tom Cruise, part someone else, here’s a guy who has classic good looks and charm to match. People started to stand up and take notice of his sex appeal when he started stealing attention away from Brad Pitt in Troy.
5 Taylor Lautner
Taylor Lautner is one of the top ten sexiest men if you ask teenage girls around the planet. Cast specifically in order to be able to compete with Robin Pattinson, it’s his chiseled abs and impressive lats that gave him the edge he needed.
4 Brad Pitt
Like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt has lost some of his appeal with age, but this doesn’t stop him from topping a lot of lists of the Top Ten Sexiest men – or from marrying Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Anniston (now that’s a testimonial!). This may have something to do with the six pack he’s sported for much of his career…
3 Robert Downey Jr
Robert Downey Jr is not only one of the top ten sexiest men because of his looks (which are no doubt impressive) but also because of his confidence, charm and swagger which all ensure that he stands out from the crowd. Then there’s the fact that so many women want to look after him and turn his life around (though actually he seems to have already done that fortunately). To see his charm on overdrive, check out his role as Tony Stark in the film Iron Man.
2 Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson is a with some of the most chiselled-yet-femine features ever on film, and this made him perfect for the role of Edward Cullen from the Twilight series. Immortal, ancient, leaned and completely devoted to the woman he loves – this move ensured that roughly 90% of the female population fell in love with him overnight.
1 Johnny Depp
There are many pretenders and candidates for the top ten sexiest men, but almost unanimously women agree that Johnny Depp tops them all. Johnny Depp is a man that some women describe as ‘beautiful’ and who has had to choose unconventional roles as pirates, mad men and monsters in order to avoid being typecast as a ‘pretty boy’. It sort of backfired though as many women actually prefer him when he’s dressed as a pirate…
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Thank you so much for listing Johnny Depp as number one. He is number one in my book. He is so sexy and has always been. He looks good in every movie he has ever played in!!!!
Every person will have its own opinion regarding this top 10 sexiest men. Every person has its one taste, so top 10 sexiest men will look different from a person to another. Me, for example, I think Taylor Lautner is the sexiest. I haven’t watched the Twilight but only looking at this picture and I think it is very sexy.
So, unlike you, I have another opinion therefore my top 10 sexiest men has another winner.
Yes, I agree with Despina. Top ten sexiest men couldn’t be the same for all the girls. Maybe a girl likes Tom Cruise more than Johnny Depp so she would put him on the first place in top ten sexiest men. This top is maybe only what you thought. But, in my opinion it looks different.
Mmm, I think Robert Pattison is sexier than Jonny Depp. I would have put him on first place in the top ten sexiest men. He is very sexy and really pretty. I like it very much. He is definitely the number 1 in the top ten sexiest men.
I agree totally. I absolutely hate Johnny Depp and he has no good looks. However, Robert Pattison is Super Fit. I would move everybody up a place but then put Brad Pitt on as number 10
Henry Cavill is fine. No wait FINE. I can not wait for next year to see him in Superman. He will make a great super hero!!!!
These days I see Johnny Depp popping up in yet more vampire shows… why can’t they grasp there can only be one Buffy the Vampire Slayer and that everything that comes after will be viewed as cheap imitation?
David Tennant looks creepy in this picture. It doesn’t belong among these top 10 sexiest men. This is what I think. He is not my type of men. The first place among these top 10 sexiest men should be occupied by David Beckham in my opinion.
I don’t like David Tennant either. From all these top 10 sexiest men he looks the worst. And yeah, he really does look creepy in this picture. I wouldn’t have put him among these top 10 sexiest men. He doesn’t belong among them.
I am not sure how great is the fact that I am posting in a post about top 10 sexiest men. But god knows why Johnny Depp is on the first place. Seriously, why would you do that? I know I’m a man and I shouldn’t have the right to comment, but… Johnny Depp on first place in top 10 sexiest men?
I think you should make a poll about top 10 sexiest men. Only women should be able to vote. Or someone can simply ask women on the street. This way, you are sure that the answers are real. That’s the best way to find the best in top 10 sexiest men.
I agree with Vincent. You should make a poll about top 10 sexiest men. I will surely know what to answer. My favorite top 10 sexiest men is Eric Bana. I don’t know why you put him only on the 6th place.
Why do we need a poll to find the top 10 sexiest men? I don’t think this is very necessary. Every girl has her opinion. A poll couldn’t include all the men on the planet right? This top 10 sexiest men is enough.
I don’t like any of these top 10 sexiest men. They are not sexy at all. The number one in this top 10 sexiest men list should be occupied by my husband. He is the most beautiful and sexy for me. But everyone with her opinion ^^
Who cares about sexiest men ? Lets so an article about sexiest women 🙂
I cannot talk too much about the top 10 sexiest men because I’m a guy. But if I were a girl I would like all these top 10 sexiest men. They are all looking very good. They are in a good shape and they all look strong. Robert Pattison is a little gay, but the rest are ok.
Popey, I’m too a guy. And I agree with you. All these top 10 sexiest men look very good. Like you said they are strong and in a good shape. I now understand why girls are so crazy about them.
Some of these top 10 sexiest men look great. Some of them are not so sexy. David Tennant doesn’t really belong among these top 10 sexiest men. It looks a little bit funny. And Jonny Depp isn’t so sexy either.
These guys are super sexy. I like all of them. But from this top 10 sexiest men my favorite is Robert Pattison. I hadn’t known anything about him till I saw him acting in ‘Twilight’. He was so good. It is definitely my number one in this top 10 sexiest men.
Hmm, from this top 10 sexiest men is missing somebody. You forgot about Wentworth Miller. He is much sexier than all these guys. He was really good in ‘Prison Break’. I’ve watched that movie just to see him acting. He truly deserves to be in this top 10 sexiest men.
Sincerely, not all these guys deserve to be in this top 10 sexiest men. From this top I would keep only 2: Robert Pattison and Orlando Bloom. And maybe Taylor Lautner too. They deserve to be in the top 10 sexiest men. But the rest of them, aren’t in my opinion so sexy to be in this top.
I’m wondering if these top 10 sexiest men are as smarter as sexier they are. I hope so. I do not like a man who is stupid even if he is a god. I like to have what to discus with a person. So, even these are top 10 sexiest men, for me aren’t attractive if they aren’t smart too.
In my opinion this top 10 sexiest men should look different. That is because I have other preferences. For example I would have put Orlando Bloom on the first place in this top 10 sexiest men. He looks much better than Johnny Depp. He is definitely much sexier. ^^
Sincerely I don’t like so much any of your top 10 sexiest men. They look ok but they are not something special. I’ve seen common guys who look better than these VIPs. But with all these I should pick a favorite from this list of top 10 sexiest men. And that will be…hmm…let say Eric Bana.
Eric Bana looks great with his long hair and his beard. I truly like his style. He should be the number 1 in this top 10 sexiest men. And he is really charming, yes. I agree with you that he looks like an amalgamation of the top 10 sexiest men.
I think that all these top 10 sexiest men have something special. They all look good in their own way. I think they all deserve to be in this top 10 sexiest men. I don’t have a favorite, but if I were to choose one for the first place I would choose Tom Cruise. He is very charming in my opinion.
Is there anybody who doesn’t like these top 10 sexiest men? I don’t believe. I’m a man and I do like all these top 10 sexiest men. I would love to look like any of them. They are all looking good.
Eric Bana is very sweet. He should be in top sweetest men not here in top 10 sexiest men. Brad Pitt belongs here. He is surely one of the sexiest men. I definitely like him.
Robert Pattison should occupy the first place in this top 10 sexiest men. He is the sexiest and the cutest in this top. He is more beautiful and sexy than Johnny Depp. In my top 10 sexiest men he occupies the first place!
Oi!!! David number 8!!! You’re kidding me no way! He had to have been 1!!! Oh come on he’s pretty sexay!!! Anyway, i personally dont find all these men pretty sexy! I dunno pattinson, launter…. :S
I think Taylor Lautner is the hottest man on the planet! I can’t believe that he is only number 5 and Robert Pattinson is number 2. That makes no sense. If I could, Robert wouldn’t even be on herean Taylor would be number 1.