A bucket list is a list you make of things to do before you ‘kick the bucket’ (i.e. die…). Just as easily it could be a ticket list (before you punch your last ticket) or a curtain list (before your last curtain call). Either way though, the idea is to make a list of things to accomplish and experience to help enrich your life and give it meaning before you become ‘living challenged’. While it might sound pessimistic, it’s actually a very positive way to live your life as it ensures that you don’t have any regrets and that you really make the most of your time on Earth. Here we will look at the top 10 bucket list ideas to help ensure you live your life to the full and experience a bit more of what this world has to offer.
10 Experience Success in Accomplishing One of Your Dreams
A good bucket list isn’t just a generic list of things that people think they should do; rather it should be a personal list of things that will bring you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. That might mean landing a starring role in a film, or it might mean selling a successful invention. All of us though should at some point experience that feeling of hard work paying off and dreams becoming reality.
9 Genuinely Help Someone
One of the most rewarding things you can do in life is to genuinely help someone and feel as though you’ve in some way contributed to their happiness or success. This is also a great way to be remembered after you’ve gone and to make sure that your influence and legacy out-lasts your physical presence. The top 10 bucket list ideas don’t all need to be standing on mountains and leaping off of things – this could include being a parent, working at a charity, or just helping a friend through a difficult time.
8 Write a Book
They say we’ve all got a book in us, and speaking of legacy this is a great way to leave behind a ghost of our thoughts, ideas and humour for others. Stop putting it off and write that book now!
7 Go Sky Diving
Not only does this give you an incredible view of the world from miles above (and not just through a window), but it’s also one of the best ways to experience that amazing rush of adrenaline you get from plummeting from that high up. Never do you feel quite so alive (well, except for when you’re bungee jumping, paragliding or base jumping… take your pick!).
6 Go Scuba Diving
Some of the most spectacular views on the planet are found underwater, and so are some of the most unusual and beautiful life forms. This is something everyone should experience once, and an incredible adventure.
5 View All the Wonders of the World
Picking between the various ancient wonders, modern wonders and natural wonders of the world is an impossible task – they’re all just as incredible as each other. Better the for a list of the top ten bucket list ideas is to try and see all of those still remaining to get a broader appreciation for our amazing planet and history.
4 Learn Another Language
This is something almost all of us mean to get round to doing but often don’t quite. It’s definitely one of the top 10 bucket list ideas however and worth putting in that bit of extra effort as you won’t only learn a skill that’s practical and impressive – you’ll also learn about another culture and even a whole new way of thinking.
3 Run a Marathon
Being able to say you ran a marathon is one of those fantastic milestone achievements that we all strive for. It’s also an incredible experience in itself as you are surrounded by hundreds or thousands of other people on the same mission and by cheering and screaming members of the public and a real sense of excitement and community.
2 Climb a Mountain
Climbing mount Everest is one of the most popular top 10 bucket list ideas, but it’s not something that’s realistically doable for everyone and it’s also a bit expensive/clichéd. If you want to get that same incredible feeling of standing on the apex of a mountain you just scaled then there are thousands around the world to choose from, each with their own difficulty levels and particular attractions.
1 Fall in Love – Its never too late
If you’ve never been in mutual love then you’re missing out on what most people would consider to be the crowning experience of being alive. It’s well worth hanging onto that dream and looking for someone that you can make a life with because it will enrich it for both of you.
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