Games have gotten ridiculously advanced to the point where the graphics are almost photo-realistic, the cinematic scope is almost Hollywood-level and the controllers are now being phased out by more advanced motion capture. However exciting this all is however, sometimes we crave a simpler time when you could only walk left or right or where you didn’t have to sit through hours of cut scenes. If you count yourself among those who miss the days of the the Super Nintendo, the ZXSpectrum or the Sega Saturn… then feast your eyes on the following list of the top 10 retro games of all time and enjoy a trip down memory lane.
10. Space Invaders
Space Invaders here represents any number of the ‘properly old’ generation of games. There are many others that could make the top 10 retro games list, and those might have included Pong, Arkanoid (one for ZXSpectrum lovers) or any other iteration of Breakout. However Space Invaders has to be the most iconic of those and possibly the most ‘videogamey’ game in the world making it a requirement for any list of the top 10 retro games.
9. Streets of Rage
When you mention Streets of Rage to anyone they will be flooded instantly with happy
memories of one of the best ‘co-op’ games ever invented. Walk along with your partner side by side punching things in true ‘side scroller’ fashion and occasionally pick up a baseball bat or a knife to club or stab someone with. Inevitably it would end in a brawl when you and your mate turned on each other because one of you took the last apple (as we all know in the video game world apples are the ultimate medicine) – hence the fantastic ability to choose to side with the enemy and kill your team mate at the end of number 2. The best co-op game on any top ten retro games list.
8. Pokemon
Pokemon might not seem that old but it’s certainly getting on a bit, enough to warrant it inclusion in this list of top ten retro games. It’s certainly one that brings back a lot of happy memories for many people and at the time it was truly a phenomenon resulting in Pikachu bed covers, lunch boxes and trading cards and even huge meetings where secret new Pokemon were revealed.
7. Micro Machines
Rarely does a licensed franchise make a great game, so who’d have thought a game based on collectible cards would make a list of the top 10 retro games? This one more than earns its place and there is nothing more exhilarating than high octane races across the kitchen table with the odd top-down control that only Micro Machines can offer.
6. Pac Man
Pac Man is another one of the older games on this top 10 retro games list but is one that is still being played today – a testament to both the great game play and the oddly likeable yellow circle that became the lead character.
5. Goldeneye
For those who owned an N64 this was really as good as it got. Goldeneye was one of the greatest first person shooters of all time and had a brilliant one player and death match mode. Pull the cartridge out the loft for a great trip down memory lane and some gameplay that more than stands the test of time.
4. Wipeout
Wipeout is one of the top 10 retro games of all time not only for being such a classic game itself, but also for encapsulating the nineties with it’s neon colours, retro-vision of the future and its brilliant raver sound track.
3. Doom
Everybody has played Doom and alongside ‘Wolfenstein’ it is one of the seminal first person shooters that started the whole genre. We wouldn’t have Halo if it wasn’t for Doom and for that alone it has to go on the list of top 10 retro games.
2. Mario
Mario is one of – if not the – most iconic characters in gaming history and could be considered the ‘Mickey Mouse’ of the video games industry. By including Mario as number two of of all the top ten retro games we cover a huge range of memorable gaming moments from the hilarious-yet-competitive Mario Kart death-matches to the early wonder of the Super Mario Brothers Series and the amazing step into 3D that was Mario 64.
1. Sonic the Hedgehog
However while Mario might have been the first gaming mascot, it was Sonic the Hedgehog that stole many of our hearts and his first outing for many people is the most retro-tastic game in history. As soon as you load up the first level and hear the great Green Hill Zone music, you’ll know why this is number one in the top 10 retro games of all time, and will be flooded with memories of all the Sonic merchandise you either owned or lusted after as a kid.
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Thanks for the post. I was really looking for a top 10 retro games. Some of these games remind me of childhood. If I were to post the article, I would have been a little subjective and I would have chosen Mario as the 1st in this top 10 retro games post. But Sonic is great too!
Doom 2 was the first game that scared the hell out of me. Damn, it was scary. In this top 10 retro games, I find it the most exciting game. Streets of rage was also cool. But I can’t stand pokemon. I find that game made for stupid kids.
So thanks, this top 10 retro games article remembered me about Doom 2. I guess I will play a little tonight 😀
Space Invaders rocks!! It should have been on the first place in this top 10 retro games. I am 25 and still play it a lot. On my phone, on my pc, wherever I can. I guess it is my all time favorie from this top 10 retro games post.
Streets of Rage was my favorite. After coming back from school, I used to play a lot on TV. Street Fighter was also very fun and addictive. Why isn’t it a part of this top 10 retro games? I am very sure it had (and maybe it still has) so many fans!
Pacman in my opinion should have been the number one. It is way better than Sonic. And when I think of Retro games, I think of Pacman. I loved playing it when I was younger. So much fun and such a simple concept.
Space Invaders was the first game that I ever played. I fell in love with it. So I am pleased that you have put it on your top ten list. Space Invaders is what got me hooked to games in general. I also think that Pacman was a great game too.
Streets of Rage was one of the first games I had ever played. I love the fighting in this game. I think that it is a great fighting game. I can see why it is on the list for the top 10 retro games.
I really wish that Pacman would have been number one for the top ten retro games. I loved this game and had the little arcade version. I remember playing it for hours on end and keeping entertained. I am thrilled though that it made this list.
I agree with you. Pacman was a great game to have and play. I did not have it but a friend of mine did. We would spend hours on weekends taking turns playing it. I really do miss it.
This thing brings back so many memories. Top 10 retro games is something that makes people remember so many things.
I agree wih Cheryl. Pacman was also my favorite. IT should’ve been number one in top 10 retro games.
I do not think that some of these games are all that retro. Pacman is but what is retro about Pokemon. Mario in my eyes is not even retro. Retro mean older and these games are old but not too old.
Why is Pokemon on the list? He is not even retro enough for me. I love the idea that Pacman is on the list. He is the most retro of them all and should be number one!I loved playing pacman when I was a child.
Pokemon should not be on the list. I am sure that there are other great retro games that are actually retro. Otherwise this list is a great one. You can not get any more retro than Mario or Pacman.
Mario was the first game I ever played and was what got me hooked on video games. I now have a server passion for them. So much that I take my DSI with me everywhere. This is a great list. I have played a few of them and hope someday to play them all.
Mario should be listed as number one. He is so much better than sonic. I would say even Pacman should be before Sonic. I am not much of a sonic fan in case you can not tell.
Mario should be number one. Not Sonic. Never much cared for Sonic at all. I loved Mario though and feel that he paved the way for so many great games. Sorry Sonic you are not number one in this gals book!
I think that this is a great list. I loved playing Space Invaders as a child and Pacman was just awesome. I can see why Sonic made it to number one but I agree with Marsha on this one. Mario really should have been number one as he paved the way for so many.
Streets of Rage= awesome. I love that game. I played it many nights growing up. I know more than I should have of. Great to see that it made this top ten list. Thanks much.
Pacman is such a girly game. I hated it. Why anyone would want it listed as a top ten game is beyond me. It drives me crazy to play it.
Lewis, Pacman isn’t a girly game. It belongs among these top 10 retro games. You have to be very skilled to play it. Maybe that’s why you don’t like it because you are not good at it. In my opinion it deserves to be among these top 10 retro games and it isn’t at all a game just for girls.
Pac Man and Mario are the only top 10 retro games I’ve played. Mario was my favorite. I still play it. It should be on the first place among these top 10 retro games. It is more popular than Sonic the Hedgehog.
I haven’t played Pokemon. However I had a lot of stickers with those characters and I saw the cartoon too. It was my favorite. I’m sure it is one good top 10 retro games no? I’ll try to find it and play it. I’m curious how it is. But you only put it in the 8th place among these top 10 retro games 🙁