9 Responses to “Top 10 Crashes – Video”

  1. Angie says:

    Those are some scary crashes. I have never been in a car crash so I guess I am pretty lucky. I have been close to some though and it just scares me to even think of them. I could not imagine being in any of those!

  2. Adi says:

    What happened to that bus at 0:10? Seems like a giant hole on the road. Anyways, this video with top 10 crashes should make some people think twice before pressing the gas pedal to the floor. Speeding is very dangerous. Drive safe!

  3. Jake says:

    I have been a victim of a car crash. It is not pretty and I lost almost all concious while the vehicle was moving after the initial impact. Smoke blew up in my face distorting my vision to nothing but a white wall. Then a second impact with a stationary vehicle only slowed me wnough so the telephone poll didnt completely smash my legs. IF that pole wasn’t there I would of went head first into a brick structure. More than likely resulting in death. So crash’s are scary but are even more scary when you are involved.

  4. Drew A. says:

    My sister was in a car accident once and it was very trying for our family. She suffered a broken back and pelvis. It was very hard for us to deal with. Something that I would never wish on anyone.

  5. Jew says:

    Are top 10 crashes videos really a way to make people stop driving like hell? If yes, this is a sad situation. Drivers should be aware that speed and lack of attention kill. And make lots of victims. Top 10 crashes are almost always caused by those reasons.

  6. Blackstone says:

    Seeing this video with top 10 crashes remembered me of someone I knew. He was a friend of mine. He died in an accident because of a stupid driver. He was driving with high speed on a narrow road and lost the control of his car. Innocent people die because of stupid drivers!

    • Lewis says:

      Yes you are so correct. I have had a few friends killed because they were driving stupid and running from the cops. I wish more people would see that their stupidity causes death like this. It really is a shame.

  7. Lena says:

    This top 10 crashes video isn’t funny at all. I mean maybe there were people who died in these accidents. I cannot laugh looking on this top 10 crashes video. I cannot laugh if something bad happens. It is not something funny, but tragic.

  8. Leech says:

    If you want to see things like top 10 crashes… just watch russian videos. Those guys are nuts. I wonder how some russian people get their driving license. They are extremely dangerous when driving!