3 Responses to “Top 10 Ways to Lose Weight”

  1. NadaNon says:

    I do not think that keeping a food diary is one of the top 10 ways to lose weight. I do not see how a diary could help someone with this. Parts of the top 10 ways to lose weight are things like choosing the healthy options or making exercises. These things could really help you to lose weight…not a diary… So if you want to be fit do something!

  2. Hunedoara says:

    I like almost all your top 10 ways to lose weight. But with one I do not agree. How can I take the sugar out of my tea? Tea is one of my favorite drinks and I like to enjoy it. Without proper ingredients it would not be tea…it would be a wish-wash.

  3. Stefanache says:

    I am going to try following all your top 10 ways to lose weight. Right now I have some troubles with my weight. I hope your top 10 ways to lose weight will help me. I’m so upset and I really want to become skinnier. I hope I will succeed. Wish me luck!