11 Responses to “Top 10 Universities in the World”

  1. dew says:

    I wonder how is it to study in one of top 10 universities in the world. I bet it is a great exeperience. You should learn lots and lots of things. Not to mention that you would probably get hired immediately after graduating. I would like to be in one of top 10 universities in the world.

  2. Maroon5 says:

    It is sooo difficult studying in any of top 10 universities in the world. You just have to study, study, study. I do not think you can have some fun around there. I mean, it is a good thing to be part of top 10 universities in the world. But you are missing a lot of fun.

  3. Yokko says:

    Studying at any of these top 10 universities in the world is indeed hard. But think that you are really learning many things! If you have the chance to learn here you should be very proud. Then you are very smart. It should be an honor learning at any of these top 10 universities in the world.

  4. Rajesh says:

    Anyone would be honored to study in any of the top 10 universities in the world. It means so much. You get to learn from the best teachers in the world. As I have always been a studying fan, this is my dream. I would love to be part of one of these top 10 universities in the world and I would thank God everyday!

  5. Randy says:

    Growing up I had dreams of going to Yale or Harvard. I think it would be a great thing to have on your resume. Both are great schools to attend and I have heard many good things about them. If I had my pick I would say Harvard.

  6. Kava says:

    I did some research on Imperial College London. I like it very much and it is definitely part of top 10 universities in the world. I wonder how many unemployed ex students of top 10 universities in the world exist. I’d guess none. If unemployed, probably he’d run a business or something.

  7. Kole says:

    Ten years ago, I had some interest in going to Princeton. It was a shame though that my parents and I could not make it happen. These colleges are so expensive to attend. While I think that they are very well worth it, many times saying I went to Princeton or Havard or Yale is a great honor in itself. It is hard to get into these schools.

  8. Dalton says:

    I am tired of hearing about how great Harvard is. Or Yale or schools like that. I graduated from a state school and I did just great. I make a decent salary and so I am happy. You do not have to have a degree from one of these places to be successful.

  9. I wuld refer to d priviledge of being able to study or b schooled in any of d above listed universities as d greatest academic priviledge any one can get or b OFFERED!

  10. Florin says:

    Every university is good. As long as you study enough, obviously. Top 10 universities in the world cost a lot. They are only for rich people. Stop dreaming about ’em.