35 Responses to “Top 10 Unusual Pets”

  1. Angie says:

    I could not imagine having any of those as pets. I wonder if you can even have say a sloth as a pet. They are so ugly they are cute. I am much too happy with the cats that I have to even consider one.

  2. Dean says:

    Goats are not that unusual to have. My friend has many of them. They keep them because they eat the tall weeds in their fields. Plus they eat anything so they are like having your own living garbage can.

  3. Adi says:

    Whoah, god damn it. That african snail is so huge. It should be number 1 in top 10 unusual pets. It looks gross. That micro pig is cute, tho. (=

  4. Nina says:

    First off that baby skunk was cute. I could not imagine having one as a pet though. Yes you have to have the scent removed or else you would be stinky as well. Haha. I have heard though of people doing this.

  5. Molly . says:

    That micro pig is adorable. Makes me really want one and I think that pigs are ugly. This is a great list of animals. Very unusual indeed.

  6. Jew says:

    Hihi, that tree frog looks nice. I bet my girlfriend would love one. Maybe I’ll get her a present one of these top 10 unusual pets.
    Anyway, I wonder how expensive is to raise a monkey. I bet it is not that cheap.

  7. Mewho says:

    This is a way for being original. Getting one of these top 10 unusual pets. Or doing like Jew. Getting somebody a present like this. I bet your gift will not be forgotten.

  8. terminus says:

    I would not get any of those top 10 unusual pets. They are really unusual. That sloth is funny, though. And who gets a goat, anyway? That would be odd.

  9. Erimia says:

    A post about top 10 unusual pets… I didn’t see this coming. Glad I came across it, though. Sometimes, it is hard to think that some people really have pets from this list of top 10 unusual pets. But everyone is weird in his own way, ahaha.

  10. Rio says:

    Ah that tree frog would make a great pet. I just love how his eyes bulge out of his head. Too cute. It would be hard to love on them though. I would never want to kiss one!

  11. Lena says:

    Sincerely, this post on top 10 unusual pets it’s one of the most interesting. I wouldn’t have thought at this.
    These top 10 unusual pets are so funny. For example the micro pig with that red boots, it’s hilarious but also cute. I hadn’t even known that there exist micro pigs. :/

  12. Wanda says:

    African land snail is surely one of the top 10 unusual pets. It is so big. I would like to eat it. Snails are delicious. From this snail could eat 4 persons, I guess.
    Yeap, he deserves its place in the top 10 unusual pets.

  13. Rafaelo says:

    Piranha scares me. That picture is horrible. It is indeed one of the top 10 unusual pets.
    I would not like to swim in a pool, lake, river or anything else with a Piranha. :D. It deserves its place among these top 10 unusual pets (mostly because of its teeth).

  14. Felicia says:

    Common Rafaelo, be a man. Piranhas are not so bad. They indeed deserve their place among these top 10 unusual pets but they are not so scary. I would like to have a Piranha. An aquarium only with a Piranha. I would feet it with pork meat =).

    PS: Great post about top 10 unusual pets.

    • nic says:

      Felicia, you are a little weird, don’t you think? How can you think to have a Piranha in an aquarium? These top 10 unusual animals do not exist so you could raise them in an aquarium or at home. Maybe except the micro pig. It is the cutest from these top 10 unusual pets and wouldn’t be so weird to grow it around your house.

      • Moana says:

        I would neither like piranha as a pet. It is indeed one of the top 10 unusual pets. I guess Felicia is a little nonconformist. But I do not think it is anything wrong with her. Everybody has its tastes.

  15. Ileana says:

    The monkey deserves to be on first place among these top 10 unusual pets.
    Monkeys are very similar with people. That is so unusual about them. Sometimes they are very funny when they are doing things which only people can.
    Once, I saw a monkey licking an ice cream stick. I was very amused. Therefore, monkey is my favorite from these top 10 unusual pets.

    • Francesca says:

      I don’t agree with Ileana. Monkey is not at all an unusual animal. It does not deserve to be among top 10 unusual pets. In my opinion it is just a common animal even if it is very similar with people. There are many other animals which could be part of these top 10 unusual pets.

  16. Vivian says:

    Hedgehog, monkey or goats are not so unusual. I wouldn’t have putted any of these animals among top 10 unusual pets. They are just common animals. Really weird are those micro pigs or that tree frog. They deserve to be among top 10 unusual pets.

    • Lewis says:

      Goats are not unusual at all as pets. If you live on a farm, it is not unusual to have them. I would not want one, but they do make good pets from what I have heard. Monkeys are not unusual because many have them as well. I have never known anyone though that has had a hedgehog as a pet.

  17. Olimpyu says:

    Some of these top 10 unusual pets are really cute. I’ve never seen a Slow Loris. It looks so innocent with those big brown eyes. I guess I would like to have a pet like this. It is one of the cutest top 10 unusual pets.

    • Kev says:

      I agree with you on this . Those eyes are very intriguing. I have never even heard of a Slow Loris either. Guess this site is making us more aware of our animals we have on this Earth.

  18. Lorly says:

    I don’t like any of these top 10 unusual pets. They are all very ugly. I would not like to have any of these top 10 unusual pets. I rather prefer a dog. They are not so unusual.

    • Leech says:

      WELL, actually this is why they are called “top 10 unusual pets”. What did you expect to see here? And I don’t think that they are ugly. Unusual doesn’t mean ugly. If you think something in this top 10 unusual pets is special, you should get it. Don’t get a dog just because everyone is doing it.

  19. Sheila says:

    Yeah, skunk belongs among these top 10 unusual pets. I would not like to have a pet like this. It really sounds an unlikely and pungent idea. It is one of the top 10 unusual pets I would not like to own. I would not like to feel that smell.

  20. Despina says:

    Why would I like a tree frog as a pet? I don’t think it is one of the top 10 unusual pets. I mean…maybe there are people who would like a pet like this. I wouldn’t. I don’t have what to do with it, maybe eat its legs, mwhahah.

  21. Tita says:

    Despina, this is a top 10 UNUSUAL pets. Tree frog belongs to this top. Even you were impressed reading about the tree frog. And how you can say that you don’t have what to do with it? You can expose it and see it cause it looks very beautiful. Those colors are amazing. Tree frog is indeed part of the top 10 unusual pets.

  22. Irina says:

    Hihihih, that micro pig is cute cute cute. I would like to have a pet like it. I don’t think it is part of the top 10 unusual pets. It isn’t so unusual. I’ve seen many people with micro pigs like pets. I’ve even seen a woman with a pig like this in a leash. So, micro pig doesn’t belong to this top 10 unusual pets list but it’s still cute. 😀

  23. Dalton says:

    Holy cow that snail is huge. I could not imagine having one of these for a pet. I wonder if they reproduce as fast as other snails do. It would make an unusual pet for sure.

  24. petit says:

    All these top 10 unusual pets are indeed unusual. But I wouldn’t like all of them as pets. For example land snail. Who would like a pet like this? Those who would like a snail as a pet, they are unusual. Not the snails.

  25. Marx says:

    That tree frog is so frail. It is surely one of the top 10 unusual pets. But if I ever have a pet like it, my kids will kill it instantly in their play. It is too fragile for a pet. It must be kept as a gewgaw.

    • Chris says:

      Kids will generally tortore or kill anything weaker than they are….Best to get them a stuffed dog.

  26. Cornelia says:

    I would not like any of these top 10 unusual pets. They are indeed very unusual. I will keep looking for classic pets. A dog or a cat is the pet I like. I do not see myself taking care of any of these top 10 unusual pets.

  27. CT says:

    Marx….Kids will kill ANYTHING!!! If you want a good pet for a kid get it a stuffed animal its ALREADY dead!!! LOL

  28. Amanda says:

    This list is appalling. Sloths, apes (a chimpanzee is not a monkey), and slow lorises should not be kept as “pets”. Even though a sloth is an herbivore, its diet is still much more complex than what any single human could provide. Also, the recommendation to cut their claws is ridiculous – just don’t own one. The wild slow loris population is declining due to lists like these that promote slow lorises as pets. Slow lorises are inhumanely captured and have their teeth yanked out (without anesthetic) to prevent them from biting people, since their bite can be venomous.

    Please inform yourselves on proper (i.e. domesticated) pets, and stop the inhumane and illegal practice of wildlife trafficking.