We read about people with remarkable abilities in comics all the time, and these days they are also commonly gracing the big screen. Thor, Superman, The X-Men, Iron Man, Spider-Man… all remarkable heroes with special powers that allow them to fly, shoot lasers, or teleport. However unbeknownst to many of us, the media isn’t the only place you can find examples of powers like these. Here we will look at the top 10 real life superpowers. Genuine examples of people who for whatever reason, found themselves able to do things that most of us would count as ‘superhuman’.
10 The Bionic Man
Oscar Pistorius is an athlete who had hoped to compete in the Olympics, but was told he wasn’t allowed to due to his bionic enhancements – two ‘blade’ like attachments that gave him more speed and energy efficiency on the running track. He may not be allowed to compete, but he is an example of the top 10 real life superpowers.
9 Rain Man
Daniel Tammet is often referred to as the ‘man with the incredible brain’. An extreme case of autistic savantism, he has the Guinness world record for reciting Pi (22,514 digits) and learned Icelandic in just one week.
8 The Cyborg
Kevin Warwick is an advocate of transhumanism, and has gone so far as to create himself an array of 100 electrodes to interact with his nervous system giving himself one of the top 10 real life superpowers.
7 Mr Fantastic
Daniel Browning Smith has one of the top 10 real life superpowers being the most flexible man alive.
6 The Iron Fist
Masutatsu Oyama was a Korean martial artist whose blows were so powerful he could kill a bull with a single punch. One of the top 10 real life superpowers but not terribly popular with animal rights activists most likely.
5 The German Super Child
Germany is home to one of the top ten real life superpowers and a genuine example of a useful mutant ability. Born in 2004 the German ‘super child’ was born with a genetic mutation that blocked his production of myostatin. Subsequently his musculature grew naturally to incredible levels.
4 Magneto
Liew Thow Lin is ‘the magnetic man’. This example of one of the top ten real life superpowers does exactly what it says on the (magnetic) tin allowing him to attach metal objects anywhere on his body. No one knows how, but three of his children have the same ability suggesting a genetic cause.
3 Black Bolt
Mast Sasaki has the ‘killer kiai’ – a shout so loud that it can stagger opponents and even allegedly kill small birds.
2 Rollerman
There are many inventors who have created suits to improve their abilities, but it is Rollerman or ‘Jean-Yves Blondeau’ who has one of the top ten real life superpower – with rollerskates attached all over his body he roll at speeds of over 30 miles an hour.
1 Daredevil
Ben Underwood was a blind child who used ‘echolocation’ in the same way as a bat or dolphin to ‘see’ his environment. This allowed him to play football, skateboard and take part in many other events.
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Mr. Fantastic has indeed one of the top 10 real life superpowers being the most flexible man. It is amazing. This picture scares me out a little bit. How can he be so flexible? He has one of the greatest top 10 real life superpowers.
I agree with Popey. Mr Fantastic is for sure one of the top 10 real life superpowers. And he kinda scares me too. How can he do that? Doesn’t hurt? He should have been the number one among these top 10 real life superpowers.
I like the Rain Man. I didn’t hear about Daniel Tammet. He has indeed one of the top 10 real life superpowers. I found his power incredible. He must have a great memory if he learned that language in just one week. I think he has the most incredible top 10 real life superpowers.
I would really like to have one of these top 10 real life superpowers. All of them are quite unreal. Mr. Fantastic is one of my favorite. He has the number one top 10 real life superpowers. I would like to be that flexible too.
All these top 10 real life superpowers are amazing but I would like to have one of them especially. I would like to be like Rain Main. I would like to have his memory and his capacity of learning. I would pass all my exams with A+ for sure. For me his power should be the number 1 among these top 10 real life superpowers.
All these top 10 real life superpowers are amazing. But I have a big respect for Oscar Pistorius. He is a powerful man. I have to congratulate him. He must be on the first place in this top 10 real life superpowers because he had the strength to move on with his handicap and to do what he does.
I too have a big respect for Oscar. He do deserves to be in this top 10 real life superpowers. I respect him for overcoming its handicap and for continuing his life this way. He is a great example of ambition, perseverance and optimism. He should be the winner of this top 10 real life superpowers.
Are all these top 10 real life superpowers real? For example Daredevil really existed? I thought it is just a cartoon superhero. This kid must have been amazing. He is definitely one of the top 10 real life superpowers.
That kid, the German super child scares me. I am not convinced if he must be placed among these top 10 real life superpowers. I would not like a kid like this one. I’m kinda sorry for him. I’m sorry that he was born this way.
I agree with Shortie. From all these top 10 real life superpowers that super child is the only one who scares me. Why does he look like this? He is not a normal kid. I too feel sorry for him.
I see there are a lot of cartoon heroes inspired from these top 10 real life superpowers. For example Daredevil or Magneto. I didn’t know these 2 exist in real life too. They are 2 of the most amazing top 10 real life superpowers. Especially Daredavil, this kid was fantastic for sure.
Rollerman has a great suit, but I don’t think he should be one of the top 10 real life superpowers. This suit is the only one which helps him to be in this top 10 real life superpowers. Without it he is a common guy. With a suit like that anyone can do what he does. Don’t you agree with me?
Kin is partially wrong. I agree with the fact that the suit is helping the Rollerman to be one of the top 10 real life superpowers. Without it, he wouldn’t exist. But don’t you think you need courage to do what this man does? His courage makes him one of the top 10 real life superpowers.
I agree with Kin. Rollerman isn’t really one of the top 10 real life superpowers. That suit is the only one which helps him to be among these top 10 real life superpowers. The other people have a real power, they don’t need a suit. For example Rain Man, Daredevil etc. These people do what they do without any help.
Rain main is amazing in my opinion. He is the best top 10 real life superpowers. I guess many people would love to be like him. I, for example, would love to be like him and to be able to learn a foreign language in just one week. That would be awesome.
Cosmino…I guess everybody would have loved to be Rain Main. I admit I would have loved to have his “powers”…to learn anything that fast. He is indeed the best top 10 real life superpowers. What a lucky man huh?
The Iron Fist is one of the strongest top 10 real life superpowers. I guess this man isn’t scared by anything. I’m amazed of his power, but I would not like to upset him. If he can really kill a bull with a single punch he must be very powerful. It is surely one of the top 10 real life superpowers.
Magneto is one of the most common top 10 real life superpowers. There are many people who pretend they have the same power as Magneto. It isn’t something amazing in my opinion.
One of the greatest top 10 real life superpowers is The Bionic Man. He deserves to be in this top.
Mr Fantastic is for sure one of the top 10 real life superpowers. He and Rain Main should be on the first places. In my opinion they are the most amazing. I would love to be like them. They should occupy the first and second places in this top 10 real life superpowers.
These top 10 real life superpowers are so amazing. All these people are amazing. I could not choose one as the winner. They all simply amaze me. Magneto, Daredavil, Black Bolt, all these top 10 real life superpowers seem they are characters from movies.
I respect all these top 10 real life superpowers. For me they are great examples. Especially the Bionic Man. I would have put him on the first place in this top 10 real life superpowers. He is indeed an ambitious and optimistic person.