If you’ve been thinking of signing up to the gym then there are many good reasons that you might have started entertaining the idea and it’s a sure fire way to improve your life. Whoever you are, whatever your line of work, then there are good reasons to sign up to the gym and to start getting into shape. Here we will look at the top 10 reasons to join a gym and precisely how doing so will change your life.
10 No more struggling with jam jars
If you have previously struggled to open jam jars, to lift heavy boxes or to do anything else that requires strength then one of the top 10 reasons to join a gym is just so that you can put this all behind you and become more adept at all strength related tasks.
9 Improved mental endurance
One of the top 10 reasons to join a gym is just the fact that it takes discipline to go and then mental endurance to push yourself through repetitions on a heavy weight when it burns. This discipline and perseverance you can then take into all areas of your life and guarantee success.
8 Improved happiness
One of the top 10 reasons to join a gym for many people is that it can increase happiness through the release of endorphins and dopamine. Meanwhile it can also increase happiness indirectly as you enjoy your knew physique and capabilities.
7 Improved recall and attention
Going to the gym and particularly doing cardiovascular exercise has been shown to improve memory and attention.
6 Better self defense
The ability to defend yourself from attackers is one of the reasons many people start martial arts but it’s also one of the top 10 reasons to join a gym. When you’re huge no one will attack you, and if you can easily throw down with them then it won’t matter if they do.
5 Career opportunities
Many people see one of the top ten reasons to join a gym as it being a way to further a career in athletics, bodybuilding or modelling. At the same time it can improve office careers too as better health and looks is correlated with a higher salary.
4 Better sports ability
This is a handy little extra you get from joining a gym – it will improve your performance in all sports and competition. And sometimes it’s nice to win…
3 Improved looks
One of the most popular top 10 reasons to join a gym is that it makes you look better – burning fat, toning your muscle and helping you to fit into clothes. This can in turn improve your confidence, your love life (of course) and even your career as mentioned earlier.
2 Reduced risk of disease/health problems
Going to the gym doesn’t just make you more athletic – it also strengthens your heart and circulatory system as well as your immune system and various other aspects of your health. Correct training can improve your joints etc too. This has to be one of the top ten reasons to join a gym – whether it’s to counteract a problem such as a muscle wasting disorder or whether it’s to improve your quality of life.
1 Excitement
Lastly going to the gym is not just a means to an end – but a great experience in itself. If you ever get bored of working in an office and not feeling physically challenged, then going to the gym means pushing yourself and living a life more akin to that of an action hero. This is one of the top 10 reasons to join a gym, and if you think that way then you’re bound to get all the other advantages to a large degree.
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Great list you have started. I will say that since I started to exercise I have felt better about myself. I do not get as upset at me anymore. I do not feel as depressed either which is great.
I have been a member of my gym for about 2 years now and love it. It helps me stay motivated as well. I know that people in a few of the classes I take count on me being there. So it is like I have to show up.
Two years ago I joined a gym for self defense classes. I live in New York and want to be comfortable with my surroundings. I am pleased that I did join the gym for this reason. I love the feeling that I get knowing that I will be protected if someone attacks me.
That first picture does not help that much. It doesn’t look like one of top 10 reasons to join a gym. I really hate those people looking like that. But the rest is okay.
It is really good to hit the gym. I do that for health issues.
These top 10 reasons to join a gym are good. But if you do not feel like working out, you can do other things. Like joining a karate club, or an amateur football school, things like that. Anything that makes you get up from a chair. Trust me, sports helps your health a lot.
I think you mentioned them all. This top 10 reasons to join a gym is complete. The reason why I joined a gym was that it helps the heart. I have some problems with my blood pressure. It’s kinda high so I hoped that sports would help me. Happy with the results.
Hmm, I should print this. Top 10 reasons to join a gym sounds encouraging. I am quite chubby and this should help me join a gym. Thanks for the great tips! I’ll really print them!
You don’t always need a reason to join a gym. Nor a list with top 10 reasons to join a gym. You can do this for fun. If this is not enough, just think about your health. We all know that sports activities are great for our health.
This list of top 10 reasons to join a gym can help you with nothing. You must be fully motivated to join a gym. A list of reasons will not help you. Or they will help you, but not more than going to a gym for 1 month or so. Trust me, I have tried so many methods… nothing worked.
This post on top 10 reasons to join a gym is very motivational. I have been working at a gym for one year. At first it was hard for me to start. I thought my schedule is so full that I have no time to start working at a gym. But, after, I realized I could save some time for myself and I started.
If I have read this top 10 reasons to join a gym, it would have been much easier for me to join a gym.
I didn’t know that one of the top 10 reasons to join a gym is that you can improve your happiness. I knew that doing exercises for your body releases endorphins and dopamine. What I didn’t know was that they are related with happiness. I guess this is one of the most important top 10 reasons to join a gym. Being happy helps you to do the other things you need.
Better self defense is in my opinion one of the most important top 10 reasons to join a gym. As a girl you are very exposed. You are a much easier prey. Improving your self defense can even save your life. This should be on the first place in this top 10 reasons to join a gym list.
I know it is very important to take care of yourself. but I find it wrong to have looks correlate with a higher salary. Does not seem fair to me. Just because you have a few pounds extra on you does not mean you can not perform your job just as good as the skinny minnie next to you.
Looking good is one of the most important top 10 reasons to join a gym. Everybody goes to the gym to look better. This is the first among these top 10 reasons to join a gym. This is because, at first, when you look at a person you see its body. And everybody wants to feel attractive no?
You forgot one reason. Top 10 reasons to join a gym cannot exist without that one mentioning women. Men join gyms mostly to catch the attention of women. It is not the best reason to join a gym, but… it should do. It would help some people deciding.
Wow Leech we must be on the same wave length. I got to number one and thought I go to the gym so the ladies like me more. It is true. They are suckers for a man that is well ripped.
These top 10 reasons to join a gym are enough. After reading this article I was indeed convinced to go to a gym. The most important top 10 reasons to join a gym is the one which talks about health. Reducing the risk of disease is what you need to do first because preventing a disease is easier than to cure it. Thanks for opening my mind, I will start today!
I go to the gym but I haven’t thought that there are so many reasons to join a gym. I only go to a gym to look better. After reading these top 10 reasons to join a gym I am more determinate to work harder. Improving happiness, mental endurance and reducing the risk of disease are probably the best top 10 reasons from your list. Physical and psychic health is the first thing you need to be careful at.
I don’t think ‘women’ is one of the top 10 reasons to join a gym. It is indeed a reason why men go to gym but I don’t think it belongs to this top 10 reasons to join a gym list. These reasons are important and they are the ones why people are going to gym. Watching some chicks isn’t that important like reducing the risk of disease or improving your happiness. So, I think you should reconsider what you said.
I need to join join a gym. I have very flabby arms that drive me crazy. But I am too embarrassed by them. So instead I do nothing. I know it does not make sense but for me it would be too intimidating to join a gym.
Pammy, I do not understand you. I don’t think you should be embarrassed with yourself. Think of all these top 10 reasons to join a gym. Aren’t they enough? Plus, you can solve your problem with your flabby arms. For you, this is one of the top 10 reasons to join a gym and i really think that you should do whatever you want.
Better self defense is in my opinion one of the most important top 10 reasons to join a gym. As a girl you are very exposed and you look weak. There were so many cases of rape, robbery of women. All these cases could have been avoided. Better self defense should be on the first place among these top 10 reasons to join a gym, at least for me.
All these top 10 reasons to join a gym are important. The most important are, in my opinion, the ones regarding health. If you are healthy you can do whatever you want. So, reducing the risk of diseases, improving happiness and mental endurance are the most important top 10 reasons to join a gym. These 3 should be on the first 3 places.