Smartphones have genuinely changed the way we live our lives. While there are many different gadgets and devices that we now use every day, few of them are as ubiquitous or as useful as a phone that can do everything from pinpoint our location to taking panoramic photographs.
But perhaps the real masterstroke of the iPhone and Android infrastructures is the way that the market is open to any developer who wants to try their hand at programming an app, and the way that these apps can be downloaded almost instantly from the Cloud – often completely freely. It was a genius move that ensured that whatever you need to do… there’s an app for that.
Of course though some apps stand out from the crowd more than others and for every Angry Birds there are a thousand useless games that will crash your phone and be more frustrating than fun. Here then we will look at the top 10 iPhone and Android apps for you to check out. If you don’t look into any other apps, then at least seek these ones out.
10 WordPress (Both)
The WordPress app won’t be to everyone’s tastes, but if you should happen to run a WordPress site then this is definitely one of the top 10 iPhone and Android Apps as it allows you to literally run your website from your phone – updating posts, making new ones, inserting images and even making alterations to the settings while on the commute or waiting in a queue at the bank.
9 RJDJ (iPhone)
This app wins points simply for being so incredibly unique. It’s an ‘augmented reality’ app (which is a whole thing…) which means that it enhances the world around you digitally. In this particular example however the enhancement is acoustic rather than visual and essentially it will turn whatever you’re listening to into music. It’s trippy unusual and well worth trying.
8 Kindle (Both)
If you have an iPhone or an Android tablet then really you don’t need an actual Kindle to carry as well (unless you’re on holiday where glare can be a problem) and this app will give you access to all your Kindle books – synced to the correct page – wherever you are.
7 Splashtop Remote (Both)
Splashtop Remote is an app like Teamviewer that allows you to control your PC and stream from the monitor at the same time. There are many apps like this, but Splashtop remote is the only one with a fast enough refresh rate to stream videos and even use Office and your other software for gentle editing or retrieving files. It works remotely too so if you have a WiFi connection you’ll have access to your PC in your pocket.
6 Tablet SMS (Both)
Tablet SMS when installed on your iPhone or Android phone will forward texts (and call notifications) to your tablet device and/or PC. This is one of the top 10 iPhone and Android apps because it means you don’t have to keep checking your phone and can do everything all on one screen.
5 N64oid (Android)
N64oid isn’t available from the Play Store can be downloaded all around the web. Essentially this is a Nintendo 64 emulator that runs on Android, and if you have a powerful enough device you can enjoy playing everything from Mario Kart 64 (with tilt control!) to Legend of Zelda. There are legal issues surrounding its use though – you must make sure you own the original cartridge before you download any ROMs or you’ll be breaking the law.
4 Multiscreen Multitasking (Android)
The problem with Android and iOS is that they force you to do everything on one screen meaning that you can’t for instance read a website while typing. With Multiscreen Multitasking however you can get around this problem. One of the top 10 iPhone and Android apps, this gives you your own ‘mini’ desktop where you can launch basic apps such as a web browser, notepad and video player in windows that can be dragged around the screen and resized. Useful for instance if you want to write notes on a website, or if you want to watch YouTube while browsing.
3 QuickOffice Pro (Both)
If you want to use your iPhone or Android as a productivity device then you need to be able to edit documents and spreadsheets. This app isn’t perfect (and it’s quite costly) but it is the closest thing to Microsoft Office on your device making it one of the top ten iPhone and Android apps.
2 OnLive and OnLive Desktop (Android)
OnLive is a brilliant concept – cloud gaming that lets you stream games from a server somewhere so that you don’t need to store or run them on your own device. This means that if you have an internet connection you can play Batman Arkham City on a Galaxy Note which is just crazy. And now with OnLive Desktop you can also stream things like Word and Explorer too.
1 Angry Birds (Both)
No matter how useful any of the above apps are, the one most of us will spend most time with is Angry Birds. It was a classic the moment it was released, and future iterations (particularly the recent Bad Piggies) haven’t failed to hold our interest. Perfectly suited to touch devices, immediately fun and addictive, and now a house hold name – this is a master class in app design.
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