11 Responses to “The Top 10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs”

  1. Olix says:

    I didn’t even know that Schwarzenegger was an entrepreneur. Same with Simon Cowell.

    I wonder what it takes to be part of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. A lot of courage, I guess. And you should know as more as you can about your business.

    • Kev says:

      Yes you have to know about the business. That is what it takes to be successful. But really I would have to say that Arnie is not so much of one. He is not really courageous to me. I can not believe he made it on here. At least he is number ten.

  2. Vlad says:

    The secret of anyone in top 10 most successful entrepreneurs is to keep fighting for a dream. Everyone fought for achieving great results. This and experience is what made them part of top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. If they want something badly enough, simple people can meet success too. Keep on fighting, no matter what!

  3. Jill says:

    The list totally turned me off right away when I saw Arnold as number 10. I think that he is such a puke right now for cheating on his wife. I wish he would have never made the list. The rest is a great list. Just take him off!

    • 23Mada says:

      I too blame Arnie for what he did. He is indeed a cheater. But he still remains one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. What does with his personal life has nothing to do with being one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. So, blame him for what kind of person he is, but remember all he did as an entrepreneur, actor, politician, director, bodybuilder etc. 😉

  4. Dean says:

    Great list that you have generated on this site. I was surprised of some of the people on it though. Like Simon Cowell. Or even Arnie. But still a decent list for the rest of them.

  5. Adi says:

    Walt disney, part of top 10 most successful entrepreneurs? That’s a surprise to me.

    These people should each write a book. We are interested in their recipe of success. The funny thing is that many richmen do not even have their school finished.

    • Drew A. says:

      It is funny to think that many of the most successful people have never gone to college. Odd how that works.
      I am not surprised by Walt at all. He was very successful. You can see that in his movies and parks.

  6. Pokerface says:

    Bill Gates is for sure one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. We all know who he is and what he does. I like the picture you attached under his description. He was a truly hippie, a nonconformist. And now he is the number 1 in the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs.

  7. Zamfir says:

    Steve Jobs was a great mean. He was and he still is one of the greatest top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. I’m so sorry he died. I wish he was still alive so he could still delight us with his inventions. But, he will always remain one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs.

  8. Deva says:

    I would love to be like any of these top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. They are all very smart. And they all look very happy. My favorite from this list of top 10 most successful entrepreneurs is Richard Branson. He looks the happiest with all those chicks around him.