An entrepreneur is defined as someone willing to take on new ventures and to take responsibility for the outcome be it good or bad. These are the risk takers with the inventiveness and/or imagination to create new ideas and see them through, and it is these people who bring us the products and services that so often change the way we live our lives. Following are the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs.
10 Arnold Schwarzenegger
You might again not think immediately of Arnold Schwarzenegger as one of the top ten most successful entrepreneurs, and yet he is a shrewd businessman who has succeeded in many disparate industries from sport, to catering, to publishing, to politics, to entertainment and has a sharp eye for good marketing.
9 Simon Cowell
Simon Cowell was already an asset to the music industry being responsible for hits like Robson and Jerome and Five before setting up his own record labels and eventually going for global domination producing and starring in the hit reality TV shows ‘X-Factor’ and ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ among many others.
8 JK Rowling
JK Rowling (born Joanne Rowling) is not what we typically consider an entrepreneur, but has nevertheless built a huge fortune out of nothing but her ideas and in doing so has lived the dream of almost every author.
7 Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook is currently a household name as well as an indispensable tool for modern living, and Mark Zuckerberg is the man most responsible for its existence making him one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs.
6 Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Eric Schmidt
This team who share a spot amount the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs are responsible for bringing us Google – and along with that Google Maps and Google Adsense which together practically rule the internet (and incase that wasn’t enough of a case, Google now also own Android and YouTube).
5 Walt Disney
Walt Disney must be one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs if only for building the veritable empire that is perhaps the most successful entertainment business in the world.
4 Howard Hughes
Howard Hughes is not just one of the top ten most successful entrepreneurs having built aircraft and made movies among other endeavours, but is also fascinating character who’s reclusive behavior towards the end of his life is a mystery to be solved for many people.
3 Richard Branson
Richard Branson is a highly successful entrepreneur who has succeeded in just about every industry and it’s partly this business structure that means he can’t fail. He has a recognisable brand and clever marketing, but it all began with selling mail-order CDs via ads in magazines.
2 Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is certainly one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs in recent times and has lately had success after success – the Apple iPhone kicking it all off and the iPad currently standing as his crowning achievement. However what many people do not know it that he is also responsible for funding Pixar, without whom we would not have Toy Story or Finding Nemo.
1 Bill Gates
Steve Jobs has been getting a lot of press lately as one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs, but really he is a relative newcomer while Bill Gates has been on the scene much longer and still has his software on a much higher proportion of computers around the world.
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I didn’t even know that Schwarzenegger was an entrepreneur. Same with Simon Cowell.
I wonder what it takes to be part of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. A lot of courage, I guess. And you should know as more as you can about your business.
Yes you have to know about the business. That is what it takes to be successful. But really I would have to say that Arnie is not so much of one. He is not really courageous to me. I can not believe he made it on here. At least he is number ten.
The secret of anyone in top 10 most successful entrepreneurs is to keep fighting for a dream. Everyone fought for achieving great results. This and experience is what made them part of top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. If they want something badly enough, simple people can meet success too. Keep on fighting, no matter what!
The list totally turned me off right away when I saw Arnold as number 10. I think that he is such a puke right now for cheating on his wife. I wish he would have never made the list. The rest is a great list. Just take him off!
I too blame Arnie for what he did. He is indeed a cheater. But he still remains one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. What does with his personal life has nothing to do with being one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. So, blame him for what kind of person he is, but remember all he did as an entrepreneur, actor, politician, director, bodybuilder etc. 😉
Great list that you have generated on this site. I was surprised of some of the people on it though. Like Simon Cowell. Or even Arnie. But still a decent list for the rest of them.
Walt disney, part of top 10 most successful entrepreneurs? That’s a surprise to me.
These people should each write a book. We are interested in their recipe of success. The funny thing is that many richmen do not even have their school finished.
It is funny to think that many of the most successful people have never gone to college. Odd how that works.
I am not surprised by Walt at all. He was very successful. You can see that in his movies and parks.
Bill Gates is for sure one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. We all know who he is and what he does. I like the picture you attached under his description. He was a truly hippie, a nonconformist. And now he is the number 1 in the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs.
Steve Jobs was a great mean. He was and he still is one of the greatest top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. I’m so sorry he died. I wish he was still alive so he could still delight us with his inventions. But, he will always remain one of the top 10 most successful entrepreneurs.
I would love to be like any of these top 10 most successful entrepreneurs. They are all very smart. And they all look very happy. My favorite from this list of top 10 most successful entrepreneurs is Richard Branson. He looks the happiest with all those chicks around him.