13 Responses to “Top 10 Best Brands”

  1. Lidia says:

    Wasn’t exepecting to see aston martin in top 10 best brands. Sure, it depends on what is this top based on. But people are more aware of BMW or Mercedes, for instance. They are more popular. On the other hand, top 10 best brands looks just about right.

  2. fahrenheit says:

    My thoughts exactly. This top 10 best brands is in accord with my taste. Virgin deserves that 1st place.

    However, not sure about Aston Martin either. But meh, the 10th position on top 10 best brands is not that important.

  3. Ted says:

    This is a great top ten list for sure. I agree that with the author that Aston Martin should be on it. What a great car! While I prefer Pepsi over coke, I think that Coke is deserving of a spot. And yes Nike is a great shoe brand so I was glad to have them on the list.

  4. Rudi says:

    I would have never guessed that Virgin would be number one. It is a good list though. I would have thought that Disney would have been number one or closer to it anyway. At least in my book it is.

  5. Foxy says:

    Hmm, where is adidas? It should be part of top 10 best brands. I own so many adidas producs. The population is highly aware of the brand, so… in my opinion, it should have been in top 10 best brands.

    • Tim says:

      I think that Adidas was popular or should I say more popular a few years back. I was big into it then. Not so much anymore. I would much rather have Nike over Adidas.

  6. Simon says:

    McDonalds is the best ever. I think it should have been number one for sure. I mean look at how many they have served. And they have them world wide so everyone knows what McDonalds is. I love them and can not resist a big mac.

  7. Julia R. says:

    Top 10 best brands is something a richman would be interested in. He would be interested in buying items from top 10 best brands. And unfortunately, it’s not about their quality. He usually buys them only for his public image. It’s sad.

  8. Olix says:

    In my opinion, it depends on every culture and country. For instance, in a poor country, I’m sure a top 10 best brands would look different. It’s all about the society. The people are the ones who matter.

    So on a large scale, this top 10 best brands might be accurate.

  9. Vlad says:

    I wonder why would anyone eat McDonald’s products. I ate 2 days ago and that burger was so gross. And I was a regular buyer. I had been eating Mc’D for 1 year until some months ago. I got sick. It was definitely because of that food. So if it was me who made top 10 best brands, I wouldn’t have used that brand.

  10. Jacie says:

    McDonalds is one of the best ever. Look how many it has sold. The sign changes all the time so I am not even sure how many they have served total. McDonalds has some great food and if you order off the value menu it is not that bad priced.

  11. Drew A. says:

    Disney is a great brand. I am not really a big fan of wearing it but I know that several people do. I feel that it is cute on kids only. But other things to market are great. Like pens and pencils, book bag, games.

  12. Stephie says:

    My favorite supercar manufacturer is aston martin. I am glad it is part of top 10 best brands. I also own an Apple. And I drink a lot of Cola. What’s not to like about top 10 best brands? 😀