27 Responses to “Top 10 Most Bizarre Inventions”

  1. Jinger says:

    The lap pillow is kind of disturbing. This is a great list of top ten things that are bizzare though. I have never seen any of them and do not think I will ever purchase any either. All too weird for me.

  2. Robbie says:

    Oh God, top 10 most bizarre inventions are very funny.

    What’s with the bow-lingual, btw? I wonder who thought about inventing it. That man/woman was very curious, I suppose. Top 10 most bizarre inventions show what stage can the human imagination reach.

  3. Solveig says:

    That burglar flamethrower is the greatest of top 10 most bizarre inventions. I’d get one. BRB, going to check ebay. I hope I can find that there. Other things from top 10 most bizarre inventions would be welcome too.

  4. Mika says:

    I have never heard of any of these before. The flamethrower seems kind of extreme for someone breaking into your car. But then again they probably deserve it. This is a great list of top tens for bizarre things to buy. Can not see me having any of them though.

  5. Anchorman says:

    How much does that Hovercraft cost? It might be the most interesting of top 10 most bizarre inventions. I’d buy one if it wasn’t too expensive. Buggy rolling also looks cool, but I guess you need to be fit.

  6. Aaron says:

    The Bow lingual is such a weird device. I could not imagine using it on my dog. I do not think that it would be able to translate very well. I find it a very odd invention. Obviously someone had too much time on their hands.

  7. Ingrid says:

    I wasn’t expecting to find so many odd inventions. Glad I came across top 10 most bizarre inventions, I guess. That hovercraft seems so much fun. But sleep helmet, lap pillow, manhole bags, wtf? What’s up with these?

  8. Marsha says:

    Project grizzly is a weird invention. Ok so you were attacked by a bear. Why do you not just stay away from bears then? Are you really going to have this suit on all the time so you do not get attacked? Probably not. Sort of a silly invention if you ask me.

  9. Roll says:

    Top 10 most bizarre inventions are very strange. Some are funny. Others make you think about the plan of their creators. Let’s take the lap pillow, for instance. Why the hell would yo invent something like that? 😀

  10. Jake says:

    Top 10 most bizarre inventions should make our day better. I’m sure that hovercrafting is an interesting experience. I would try it. I would also try that burglar alarm, for instance. Just for the fun of it. I would mount a video camera in the car, as well. For having fun later. 😀

  11. Lidia says:

    Why would you want a manhole bag? Or something called grizzly project? Indeed, these are top 10 most bizarre inventions I have met. I am sure I will not buy any of those. So it is good that I found out about them on time.

  12. fahrenheit says:

    This post is quite funny. I wouldn’t have expected some things on this top 10 most bizarre inventions list to exist. Looks like we have lots of crazy inventors around us. Which is a fun fact.
    PS: anti-rape dress? WTF?

  13. Foxy says:

    Hmm, this is a good idea for a present. If you want to buy a crazy gift for someone, read the post about top 10 most bizarre inventions. These are some interesting ideas. I should buy a manhole bag for a friend of mine. She’s very trendy and her birthday comes next week. Hmm. (:

  14. Jilli says:

    Seriously who is going to buy these products? I mean I would be embarrassed to say I own any of them. they all look really retarded to me. I am sorry if you like any of them or invented them but I am just trying to be honest with you.

  15. Tina says:

    That manhole bag has me confused. I mean I pack my purse full of things so there is no way it would lay flat. So people would know that it is a bag and not an actual manhole. I do not buy it for one bit.

  16. Jacie says:

    The lap pillows are just disturbing to me. I do not understand why you would feel the need to have one. Just get a pillow for petes sake. It is freaky if you have bought one.

  17. Annie says:

    These are all really weird inventions. I can not see myself buying any of them. The anti rape dress does not even look real. You might as well put a sign on you that says I am right here.

  18. Pamella says:

    This top 10 most bizarre inventions is indeed bizarre.
    I would like a lap pillow. I think I would sleep better on a pillow like that. It deserves his place in top 10 most bizarre inventions. But how could anybody think about this?

  19. Macarena says:

    These are indeed some top 10 most bizarre inventions. The bow-lingual really exists? If it does, I should absolutely buy one. I am always in trouble when my dog begins to bark because I don’t know what it wants. Anyway, this is probably the most bizarre from these top 10 most bizarre inventions.

  20. Felicia says:

    I don’t think these top 10 most bizarre inventions really exist. Maybe the manhole bags exist, or lap pillows. They are easy to be made. But the bow-lingual or the pawsense? These two top 10 most bizarre inventions are not so realistic.

  21. Ileana says:

    Vending machine disguise is probably the funniest from these top 10 most bizarre inventions. Why would anyone like to disguise in a machine? It really made me laugh. I would definitely buy one of these, just for fun. It should be in the first place on this top 10 most bizarre inventions list.

    • Badescu says:

      Vending machine disguise is indeed the funniest from these top 10 most bizarre inventions. I would like to have one of these. But it is a little bit weird though. I too don’t know why, from all these top 10 most bizarre inventions, anyone would like to buy this one. I too guess that it is just for fun.

  22. 50cent says:

    Some of these top 10 most bizarre inventions are helpful too. For example the Bow-lingual. Who would not like one of these? I think it would really help me with my dog. It is one of the top 10 most bizarre inventions I would like to try

  23. Puya says:

    From all these top 10 most bizarre inventions I would like that flamethrower burglar alarm. Hahaha, how I would like to see those burglars burned. It is a little bit creepy. But I do found this invention one of the top 10 most bizarre inventions. I would really like to have one of these.

  24. Ramona says:

    Lap pillow is indeed one of the top 10 most bizarre inventions. I think I would like to have one. Or at least try one. I guess it is comfortable. Only seeing it makes me think that it deserves to be among these top 10 most bizarre inventions.

  25. petit says:

    The sleep helmet is very helpful. Hahaha, that photo is so funny. This is truly one of the top 10 most bizarre inventions.
    I really need one of these helmets. I always tend to fall asleep in the subway.

  26. Toulouse says:

    I would like a personal hovercraft. It isn’t necessary one of the top 10 most bizarre inventions. A hovercraft isn’t so weird. It would be very helpful thought. And I think I would have a lot of fun driving it.