20 Responses to “Top 10 Gifts You Can Make for Valentine’s Day”

  1. Jessa says:

    I love the idea of the mixed Cd. I did this for my boyfriend one year. I took our names, Jessa and Kevin and then found songs that started with the letters of our names that we both liked. Such as for Kevin, one was King of the Nighttime world, then for E I used Everything I do. He loved it so much and it was so easy to do.

  2. Mika says:

    Oh, boy. Why didn’t you post top 10 gifts you can make for Valentine’s Day before February 14th? I was in such a misery because I didn’t know what to buy for my girlfriend. After all, I bought a jewel and flowers. Seemed like she liked them, anyway.

  3. Disha says:

    Unfortunately, some girls wouldn’t agree with top 10 gifts you can make for valentine’s day. But most of them prefer jewellery and cuddly toys, though.

    Portraits are be nice, but I wouldn’t go for it. In order to get done, she has to know about the portrait. It’s better to surprise her instead.

  4. Joe says:

    I made my girlfriend a candle one year. She loved it but never wanted to burn it. I just decorated it with a bunch of hearts. She said it was very romantic.

  5. Jinger says:

    I love the idea of having a picture collage created. The one above is pretty neat looking. It reminds me of a professional one where they take pictures of a babys hands and feet. pretty cool if you ask me.

  6. Robbie says:

    Trust me, guys. Chocolate is always a favorite. There are 90% chances you won’t fail when offering chocolate. Sure, there are other things in top 10 gifts you can make for valentine’s day that are worth thinking about too. But women love chocolate.

  7. Solveig says:

    I don’t agree with most of articles like this, top 10 gifts you can make for Valentine’s Day. As more personal the gift is, as better. Not to mention that if you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, you don’t need help. You know what your girl wants and needs.
    Otherwise, the article about top 10 gifts you can make for valentine’s day is helpful.

  8. Steph says:

    One year my boyfriend surprised me with a stuffed animal. It was so unexpected and so cute. He left it in my car for me to find. I think that cuddly stuffed animals are a great gift to get for Valentine’s Day.

  9. Anchorman says:

    I don’t think vouchers are a good idea. I wouldn’t have included them in top 10 gifts you can make for valentine’s day. In my opinion, your gift must symbolize something. If I were a girl, I wouldn’t like to receive a voucher :D. Thanks for the tips, though.

  10. Sydney says:

    I have made my boyfriend a vouchers booklet. In it it said things such as good for one backrub, one meal of your choice, a movie of your choice. He loved it and thought it was great. He did not want to use them because he thought it was so neat. But he did end up using them.

  11. Ingrid says:

    Guys, you should know about top 10 gifts you can make for valentine’s day. At least you should be capable of thinking about two or more items from this list. Too bad only a few men realize the importance of valentine’s day to a woman. But we make the choice. So be careful what you choose.

  12. Marsha says:

    This is an awesome top ten list. If my love ever gave me any of it it would be cherished for a life time. I love the idea of sketching a picture. My sisters husband did this for her and it looked great.

  13. Roll says:

    A collage seems like a great idea. Some photos of you two in a collage is fit for top 10 gifts you can make for valentine’s day. This way, your partner will always remember of you. In a good way, too. Thanks for the tips!

  14. Jake says:

    I would not offer jewellery at Valentine’s day. I don’t see it as a proper gift. When I bought jewellery, I did it for birthdays. I offer flowers for valentine’s day. And I think that a large bouquet of flowers should have been added to top 10 gifts you can make for valentine’s day, as well.

  15. Frank says:

    I got a few of these over the years from my fiancee. I will tell you that homemade gifts are the best. Most men could care less about them but I love them. They take time and effort to make and come from the heart. I have gotten homemade cards and chocolates and the cd as well.

  16. Denise says:

    I am really big into pictures and photos. I would love it if someone made me a gift from pictures that they have. Pictures help us remember the past and will never go out of style. They do really make the perfect gift.

  17. Nina says:

    My boyfriend one year made me a bracelet for my birthday, Money was tight so he just got some beads and strung away. I wear it everyday. It has meant the world to me. I love it.

  18. Will says:

    I do not understand why you would want to make a gift. It takes to much time and it is just as easy to buy. Plus if you split up then the person will just toss it anyway. Just save time and buy the gift from the store.

  19. Angie says:

    For my sisters I have made them some homemade lotion for Christmas one year. They loved it so much. They said it was way better than the store bought stuff they had. I think that homemade gifts are just way better.

  20. Drive says:

    I always have problems with gifts. I don’t have any good ideas. These top 10 gifts for valentine’s day are very helpful. Sooner, valentine’s day will come. I will choose from this list of top 10 gifts one for my girlfriend. I’m sure she will be very happy.